About Me

Mostly, this is my clearing house for sharing things I'm finding along my journey to, well, awesomeness. Recipes, exercise, successes, failures, inspiration. Things I want to preserve as I stumble across them. If you happen to be someone who finds them, enjoy!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Back at it! You know you missed me.

I missed you, too!  I'm officially back at "it" today.  It's just time.  At some point, I have to figure out how to take control of the household back from this new puppy, right?  Today's the day.

Had my All-Bran for breakfast.  Have my banana and Fiber 1 bar for snacks at work.  Have my meal plan all set for the week.  Have the groceried to make all of the things planned for the week.  I'm ready to ROLL!

Let's take a minute to talk about meal planning. SOOOOO important.  My brain needs to be locked down when it comes to food.  If I don't know what's for supper, it will just yell "ORDER PIZZA ORDER PIZZA ORDER PIZZA" until I do.  It's ugly.

To fight the pizza brain, I took all my recipes and ran them through the Recipe Builder on Weight Watcher's site.  There are other sites to do this as well if you search.  I *think* Sparkpeople.com has one as well.  But, I used Weight Watchers.  Most came through with a reasonable number of points per serving.  If they didn't, I looked at the recipe and figured out the best way to tweak the ingredients or portion size to get in a decent range.  Click print and put it in the magical recipe binder.  Ooooooo....ahhhhhhh.....magical recipe binder!  I can take a picture, but it's just a lime green three-ring-binder with colorful tabs and now, recipes in plastic sleeves.

Why is this nice?  Well, you have al lyour recipes pre-pointed out.  That way, you can add your intended supper points to your day right away and know your wiggle room for lunch and snacks.  It also makes meal planning WAY easier.  If you can just flip through your options, you know you need to pick enough to fill your week and be done.  The plastic sleeves are really nice too if you're a sloppy cook (like me!!) and need a buffer between your ingredients and the paper the recipe's on.  I shift the week's recipes to the front of the binder and as they're made, they go back to their spot.

Yup, it's a little anal-retentive.  Just like me.  But it works and that's the important part, right?  A girl needs to be prepared if she's going to succeed!!

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