About Me

Mostly, this is my clearing house for sharing things I'm finding along my journey to, well, awesomeness. Recipes, exercise, successes, failures, inspiration. Things I want to preserve as I stumble across them. If you happen to be someone who finds them, enjoy!

Friday, August 6, 2010

And this is why we only weigh once a week...

I will totally admit to being a cheat weigher.  Not cheating in the NUMBER way.  But cheating in the "don't weigh more than once a week" way.  I *know* weights can fluctuate wildly even over the course of a day.  In know this. 


I can't help myself when I'm doing Weight Watchers.  I feel like I'm working soooo hard controlling my food intake that I should be losing like a pound a day.  If not more.  Like 10 pounds a day. 

OK.  Not really THAT much, but still.  It's Friday morning.  I want to look at the scale just over halfway for the week and see that my previous days of hard work have started budging the scale.  And that hasn't happened this week.  In fact, I weighed in on Monday morning and promptly GAINED two pounds by Tuesday. 


Blah.  I know how it happens.  It's just aggravating.  So now I'm barely back to that Monday number, feel like I lost two pounds and they won't even count because I'm busting my butt just to break even again.  I still weigh a LOT.  It isn't totally unrealistic for me to expect to lose at least 1.5-2 pounds a week at this weight.

Maybe it's all going to just shoot right off magically on Sunday while I sleep.  If that's going to be the case, it would be great if it would just take ALL the extra weight with it and we can just be done!

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