About Me

Mostly, this is my clearing house for sharing things I'm finding along my journey to, well, awesomeness. Recipes, exercise, successes, failures, inspiration. Things I want to preserve as I stumble across them. If you happen to be someone who finds them, enjoy!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Carrot sticks and chicken broth

Isn't that what you used to be required to eat on a "diet" back in ye olde days?  Eat as little as possible and you'll lose weight? 

AGAIN, my body has proven to me that in order for it to lose weight, I just need to listen to it.  This week, I made great choices about 80% of the time, sort of questionable choices 15% of the time and totally splurged 5% of the time.  But really, who DOESN'T go for ice cream with their kid after their first soccer game??!  And what sort of a lame-o wilting flower would I be if I was all, "Oh no, none for me.  I couldn't POSSIBLY eat a scoop of ICE CREAM."  It's one scoop of ice cream.  And as long as I can make sure that doesn't parlay into 50 scoops, I'm good.

Yesterday though was a PERFECT example of having to listen to my body.  Trying to conserve points at the end of a mediocre week in which my cheat weighs had shown I was losing nothing, I ate a little "lighter" than usual.  Salad for lunch being the main culprit.  And that would have been fine had I been home at 3pm when the hungries hit.  But instead, I was at a finishing soccer practice and then on my way for a few errands.  One of which was the grocery. 

YIKES.  ALERT ALERT!!  Do NOT go to the grocery hungry!!

Well, I had to.  So, off I go and at this point am RAVENOUS.  But I'm also technically out of points (I'd preset my supper points earlier in the day and knew I'd be using them all).  So I have a choice.  I either get hungrier and hungrier until after supper is made in three hours OR I just eat something.  I grabbed a Luna bar and ate it on the way home. 

Now yes, back in "the day" BOY would that have been a no-no.  Strict was the way to go.  You don't allow yourself those indulgences as they make you week.  You remain loyal to your will power of steel and, by God, you will be thin.

Well, I not only ate that Luna bar but also shared a ball of fresh mozz cheese and sliced tomatoes with Mark and the kiddo BEFORE even starting supper. 

And lost a pound and a half "overnight".

So there carrot sticks.  While I do enjoy you as a side dish to my lunch, you no longer control what else I can eat on this journey.

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