About Me

Mostly, this is my clearing house for sharing things I'm finding along my journey to, well, awesomeness. Recipes, exercise, successes, failures, inspiration. Things I want to preserve as I stumble across them. If you happen to be someone who finds them, enjoy!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A smidge of background...

I'm a work in progress. Currently under renovation. Making some changes. Please excuse my dust. And all those other great sayings.

Really, I'm newly re-dedicated to improving myself - my fitness, my eating, my health. Weight Watchers online and the Couch to 5K running plan are my two new best friends. I started a week and a half ago and am happy to report, am still going strong on both.


Well, I'm tired of feeling like I can't. Can't lose weight. Can't run. Can't make permanent changes and stick with them. This time it's all about can. And can in a very mindful way - sometimes it's minute to minute choices and in other moments, it's all about the big picture.

I started this blog to be a collection place for the things that stick out. My highlight reel I guess you could call it. For one, in the past week I've discovered all sorts of new and amazing recipes. I want to share them. I've also discovered that I can run for more than 1 minute and not only not die but actually sort of, kind of enjoy it. Eeek!

Give me a couple of days to get caught up! And as I go, I'll try tag things to make them easier to find. Thanks for coming on this journey with me!

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