About Me

Mostly, this is my clearing house for sharing things I'm finding along my journey to, well, awesomeness. Recipes, exercise, successes, failures, inspiration. Things I want to preserve as I stumble across them. If you happen to be someone who finds them, enjoy!

Sunday, May 2, 2010


Heehee.....I wrote that how those crazy soccer announcers say it. 


Whew.  Intimidating.  At least for me.

Why don't I like to set goals?  Probably fear of not attaining them.  That's pretty common, right?  But here's the twist.  In my brain, it's not usually *my* fault when I visualize not attaining goals.  It's usually someone else getting in the way and goofing it up.  Great, huh?  That way I take no blame at all!  Brilliant, really.

But these are the times for bootstrap pulling and becoming responsible.  Enter goals, stage right.

Looking at this whole process, it's really easy for me to get overwhelmed by where I want to end up in terms of my weight.  Truthfully, the total I should lose is around 80 pounds.  Ouch, huh?  Way too overwhelming to simply think in terms of getting to a certain number so very far away.  Which is a little ironic at the same time.  Setting that as the only goal - single focus - is exactly the thing that is the most overwhelming. 

I've chosen to set two different types of goals.  Weight related in one corner and habit related in another.  See, I can only do so much to achieve the weight goals.  Sometimes, you do everything right and your body has other ideas and plans.  If you hitch your feeling of accomplishment to that, I think you run a bigger risk of frustration.  That's why I have additional goals in place - ones that *I* am in full control of fulfilling.  And the best part is, I can adapt them to try bolster up areas in which I might be slacking.  Not that I would ever slack.........  *uneasy whistling*

Before I unveil the goals, let's talk rewards!  WOOOOO!  Getting stuff for doing stuff!  Awesome!  Do you know how tricky it is to think up non-food related rewards?  Whew.  And non-expensive rewards?  Double whew.  It's important to reward yourself though....you're working hard!  But yeah, can't be food.  I also don't attach the reward to accomplishing a goal in a certain time frame.  Just accomplishing.

Onto the unveiling of the goals!

Let's start with the weight goals and rewards as the first few are pretty set.  Once these are accomplished, I'll have to re-evalute.

Goal 1:  Lose 10 pounds
Reward:  Brow wax

Goal 2:  Lose 20 pounds
Reward:  Cash in the gift card I already have for a 45 minute massage

Goal 3:  Lose 30 pounds
Reward:  Cut off all my hair!  YAY!  Makeover week!

Between that and losing 80 pounds, I have nothing planned.  Luckily, I'll have a little time to decide on something!

My habit goals don't have outside rewards because DOING them is the reward.  Like that?  uh huh, I'm pretty clever like that.  Also, I'm likely to change them up as I refect on the past weeks successes and challenges.  This week's goals are:

Goal 1:  Repeat and Complete Week 2 of Couch to 5K  (My knees are making this a CHALLENGE)

Goal 2:  Drink twice as much water as coffee a day.  (Um, I drink a LOT of coffee.  Which is a whole different challenge for a whole different week.  But I need to up my water.)

Goal 3:  Off the computer/couch by 10:30pm.  Period.  I need to get more sleep.

That's what it looks like for this week folks.  Those are my goals.  I'm EXCITING aren't I?

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