About Me

Mostly, this is my clearing house for sharing things I'm finding along my journey to, well, awesomeness. Recipes, exercise, successes, failures, inspiration. Things I want to preserve as I stumble across them. If you happen to be someone who finds them, enjoy!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

What else?

As is evidenced here in the past posts, a big focus this journey is related to my physical health.

But what else?

There's just gotta be more to it.  And in an effort to not leave you hanging, I think I know what "that" is...

I've stopped challenging myself.  There was a time when I was totally fearless - informing my mother at 15 that I was going to volunteer at a camp for mentally handicapped kids and adults two hours from where we live; day trips to wherever felt fun at the moment; taking a year off from college to "discover myself" as well as learn more about my chosen profession - heck, just the CHOOSING of theatre as a profession.  I felt armed and dangerous (in a non-lethal, weapon free way of course!)

Somewhere, that love of challenges got lost.  I'd even go so far as to say it all but disappeared.

But fear not, dear anonymous blog readers!  The time for challenges has returned!

Bold, right?  I know.  Of course, I haven't really identified too many yet.  One is that whole being able to run a 5K.  So that's good.....every list needs something to kick it off!  Another, embarassingly enough, is that I NEED to get back to auditioning.  That one's trickier because I have qualifications to it.  I want to love the show, ideally it would be something Holland could see and it has to "fit" into our lives.  Lots harder to balance when there's a kiddo in the mix.  But it has to happen.  It's been too long and now I'm sort of scared of it.  Which is dumb.

What else is a good challenge?  Reasonable here people - I'm not putting bungee jumping in at #3 so let's calm that idea right down.  You think of some too and we'll get together for tea (virtual or not) and discuss.  I'll let you know as I come up with more!

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